Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Quuality Binoculars How Are The Quuality Of Diamonds Measured? Like Gold Is Measured In Carrots.?

How are the quuality of Diamonds measured? like gold is measured in carrots.? - good quuality binoculars

Carat weight of a diamond plays an important role in the price, but clarity, color and cut.
If a tool is a diamond cutter usually try to get the best out of the stone, increasing the weight in carats and hope value.
If you want to learn more about the certification of diamonds (the 4 C's) and diamonds, I was reading a few links to ... (Information) about diamonds ... (For information on the certification of diamonds)

I hope this is helpful.


Samantha B said...

Call and ask a ..... JEWL reactions from people on Yahoo are ... much

MacNatty... said...

The 4 C:

1. Clarity - How clear and spotless is a diamond
2. Cut - The shape of the stone
3. Carat - Weight Diamond
4. Color - self explanatory

sandypan... said...

Carat. Carrots are vegetables:) precious stones like diamonds are measured in carats, like gold.

HrsRocks said...

Diamonds are also carrots.

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